Recent drift chartsThis section allows you to download drift charts of various latitudes on Jupiter, generated from measurements of electronic images. They are available as GIF87 files packed in a ZIP archive. Displayed latitude range and, if a modified rotation system is applied, its daily drift vs the region's standard system are coded in the file name of each chart. Standard system is 1 between -10 and +10 deg, otherwise 2. It means, for example:
-04+04+000_1 ... latitude -04 to +04 deg, vs 1
Latitudes are jovigraphic. Standard and modified system always coincide on 2018 January 01, 12:00 UT, i.e.:
Black symbols represent black, green, blue and cyan features. Green symbols represent bright (white) features. Red symbols represent red, magenta and yellow features. Dots represent centres; "<", p. (eastern) ends; ">", f. (western) ends. South is up, i.e., longitude increases from left to right. A green line indicates the zero meridian of System 2. A blue line indicates the zero meridian of System 1 (only in the -10 to +10 degs range). > Drift charts of 2024/2025, South up, System 2 and 1 uploaded on 2025 February 21 Starting in October 2021, we also provide charts with North up, i.e., longitude increases from right to left, and System 3 for non-equatorial latitudes (System 1 otherwise). A grey line indicates the zero meridian of System 3, a blue line that of System 1. > Drift charts of 2024/2025, North up, System 3 and 1 uploaded on 2025 February 21 ----- To visit the main page of the JUPOS project, go to or |