Positional data files

This section provides downloads of the complete set of JUPOS positional records. There are two ZIP archives: First, of files with extension .MEA that include measurements (mostly of electronic images but also made with micrometers and derived from drawings in former years). Second, of files with extension .CMT that contain visual C.M. transit timings.

MEA archive  uploaded on 2024 May 24
CMT archive  uploaded on 2024 May 24

MEA files with prefix "&" contain only positions that were measured on electronic images using WinJUPOS or its predecessor PC-JUPOS. For all other MEA files (without prefix), the observational method is given in the WinJUPOS field "Channel":

mmea ... micrometer measurement
mest ... estimate with micrometer support
draw ... drawing
phot ... photograph


To visit the main page of the JUPOS project, go to https://jupos.org or https://jupos.hier-im-netz.de